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Introduction of the project of attracting investment in Shuangjiang Autonomous County



General Situation of Shuangjiang County


Shuangjiang is named after the intersection of Lancang River and Xiaohei River in the southeast of the county. It is also famous for the colorful national cultures and high quality of mengku daye tea; The county covers an area of 2157 square kilometers and has jurisdiction over 4 townships, 2 towns and 2 farms with a total population of 164,000. The tropic of Cancer crosses Shuangjiang County with the county's highest elevation being 3233 meters, and the lowest elevation being 669 meters, of which the topography is of great disparity, and the three-dimensional climate feature characteristics are obvious. Shuangjiang is a place of “grass not withering throughout  winter, and flowers always blooming even though in non-spring” and it is a “green pearl” on the Tropic of Cancer.








Shuangjiang lies at the crossroads of Kunming in the East and Myanmar in the West. It is an important transit station for the transportation between Lincang counties and the cities of Pu'er City and Xishuangbanna in southwest Yunnan, is Lincang and South Asian countries to carry out business, tourism, cultural exchanges through the fortress, is yunnan-Lincang to build "Belt and Road" Radiation Center Front Window. With the construction of transportation infrastructure in recent years, the county has a relatively complete road, railway, water transport, aviation and other three-dimensional transport network, the county seat is located in Boshang, Lancang, Cangyuan Va Autonomous County Three Open Airport Center; Lincang to Jinghong, Lincang to Qingshuihe Port Expressway, Lincang to Qingshuihe railway across the county; Shuangjiang Lancang River Terminal has been completed with one passenger and one cargo berth each; General Airport will start planning, upon completion, it will greatly enhance the traffic accessibility and radiation of Shuangjiang River. Logistics cost will be greatly reduced, logistics time will be greatly reduced.


 共建和谐家园    繁荣民族文化



Building a harmonious home and prospering national culture the water of the two rivers not only nourishes the unique local land of one side carrying 24 nationalities, but also nurtures the pluralistic national culture of deducing the state of life, the state of nature and the state of harmony. Shuangjiang is the only National Lahu, Va people, Blang people, Dai four ethnic autonomy of the Autonomous County, is the main settlement of Blang people and one of the cultural birthplace. Shuangjiang has always practiced the concepts of "all ethnic groups are one family, and all families should live a good life" and "never let a brother nation fall behind" , and carried out in-depth activities to create national unity and progress. In terms of culture, the promotion of cultural exchanges, the realization of the "United Heart" of all ethnic groups, the blossoming of the outstanding cultures of all ethnic groups, and the "drum dance" in Blang people has been placed on the state-level intangible cultural heritage protection list, lahu "72 sets of songs" and Va people "Fir gyro" have been listed in the provincial intangible cultural heritage protection list. In the field of industry, we should unite and organize the people of all ethnic groups, display their respective strengths and complement each other's strengths, develop in groups, build complementary platforms, and realize "joint operation" of industries, infrastructure such as transportation, water conservancy, electricity, energy, information and housing in areas inhabited by ethnic minorities have been significantly improved. Under the radiance of the party, there is no one left behind on the road to a well-to-do life, where ideas, cultures, organizations, feelings, and development are integrated among all ethnic groups, in 2018, it was successfully established as a "model county of national unity and progress" and a "civilized city at the provincial level" , opening a new chapter in the development of Shuangjiang in a new era.

 资源得天独厚  创富商机无限



这里气候独特。属于典型的南亚热带温湿季风气候,县内最高海拔3233米,最低海拔669米,地貌高差悬殊,年平均气温20℃,年平均降雨量1100毫米,年平均日照时间达2222.2小时,无霜期为343天,境内森林和水能等自然资源充裕,有大小山脉90座,大小河流106条,森林覆盖率高达70.24%,发达的水系和众多的山脉,造就了山水相融、森林繁茂的生态双江,空气优良率达98.8%,连续四年荣登“百佳深呼吸小城”榜,被评为“ 中国绿色竞争力十强县”“国家森林城市”和“省级园林城市”。



化遗产。获批的云南双江古茶山国家森林公园,是全国唯一以古茶山命名的国家森林公园。勐库大叶茶种两次被全国茶树良种审定委员会评为国家级茶树良种,被中国茶叶界权威赞为“云南大叶茶正宗”,特别是勐库大叶种茶的杰出代表冰岛茶于 2013年入选“中华国茶名片”,是天下茶人梦寐以求的茶中极品。双江是大自然赐予的完美茶仓,全县共有茶园22万亩,年产毛茶1.25万吨,综合产值35亿元,涉茶人口13万人,被国家农业部列为“全国茶叶绿色高产高效创建示范县”,被中国茶叶流通协会授予“全国重点产茶县”“中国最美茶乡”“云南省茶产业十强县”





With its unique resources and vast business opportunities, the Tropic of Cancer is a magical land that stretches across the county seat and is home to a diverse range of climates and species. The climate here is unique. It is a typical subtropical warm and humid monsoon, with the highest elevation of 3233 meters above sea level and the lowest elevation of 669 meters above sea level in the county. The topography varies greatly. The annual average temperature is 20 °c, the annual average rainfall is 1100 millimeters, the annual average sunshine time is 2222.2 hours, and the frost-free period is 343 days, the territory is rich in natural resources such as forests and water energy. There are 90 mountain ranges, 106 rivers and streams, and the forest coverage rate is as high as 70.24 percent. The developed water system and numerous mountain ranges have created an ecological Shuangjiang with mountains and rivers blending with each other and luxuriant forests, air quality rate of 98.8% , four consecutive years ranked "Baijia deep breathing small city" list, was named "China's top ten green competitiveness counties" , "national forest city" and "Provincial Garden City. It smells so good here. Shuangjiang is known as the "tea ancestral" living place, is the origin of the world's tea center, is the hometown of Mengku Daye Tea. The Community of 12,700 mu of wild ancient tea trees in Snowy Mountains is one of the "world's first wild ancient tea tree communities" , which is the highest in elevation, the largest in area, the largest in density and the most intact in original vegetation, mengku tea garden and Tea Culture System are recognized as the important agricultural cultural heritage of China. The approved Shuangjiang Ancient Tea Mountain National Forest Park is the only national forest park named after ancient Tra Son in China. Mengku daye tea has twice been evaluated as a state-level tea tree variety by the national tea tree variety examination and approval committee, and has been praised as "Yunnan Daye tea authentic" by Chinese tea industry authorities, in particular, the outstanding representative of Mengku Daye Tea Iceland tea in 2013 was selected "Chinese tea business card" , is the world's most coveted tea in the best. Shuangjiang is a perfect tea storehouse given by nature. The county has a total of 220,000 mu of tea gardens, with an annual output of 12,500 tons of Mao tea, a total output value of 3.5 billion yuan, and a tea-related population of 130,000 people. It has been listed by the State Ministry of Agriculture as a "demonstration county for the establishment of green, high-yielding and efficient tea production in the country. " China's Tea Circulation Association awarded the "National Key Tea County" , "China's most beautiful tea township" , "Yunnan Province tea industry top ten counties. There's a lot of food here. Mild Climate, Short Frost period, abundant rainfall, suitable for rice, wheat and sugar cane, tea, LAC, walnut, coffee, rubber, medicinal materials, bamboo, flue-cured tobacco, subtropical fruit and other food crops and Cash crop growth. Rich in rare animal and plant resources, there are five species of plants under national first-class protection and 11 species of plants under national second-class protection. There are some rare plants such as CYATHEA fern, cycads, yew and Ferns, and more than 10 species of high-quality trees such as teak, Mahogany and Nanmu, there are peacock, silver pheasant, pheasant and other rare animals. It's a treasure trove. The territory has a large number of rivers and belongs to the Lancang River River system. The total water resources amount to 2.035 billion cubic meters, all of which meet the national standard of water quality above grade 3. The water energy resources reserve capacity is 382,000 kilowatts, and the exploitable capacity is 160,000 kilowatts, water temperature 52 -- 58 °C, flow rate 1.52 l/s. The county is rich in iron, lead, copper, antimony, tin, zinc, gold, marble, diatomite, lignite, limestone and other mineral deposits. There's a wealth of industry here. Shuangjiang Plateau is rich in characteristic industrial resources, with a bamboo base of 310,000 mu, with an annual total harvest of more than 300,000 tons; a sugarcane plantation of 100,000 mu, with an output of 470,000 tons; a walnut plantation of 500,000 mu, with an output of 20,515 tons; and a nut plantation of 237,800 mu, the output is 1,000 tons; the total area of fruit is 28,062 mu and the output is 17,476 tons; the total area of coffee is 45,709 mu and the output of fresh fruit is 2,348 tons; the total area of flue-cured tobacco is 30,000 mu and the output is 75,000 tons; the total area of rubber is 53,217 Mu; and three high-yield and high-efficiency pieces of potatoes, rape and wheat have been created The fishing industry covers an area of 59,000 mu and produces 20,000 tons. At present, 1.5 million mu of Plateau characteristic industrial base has been built.


立足康养休闲    做实旅游产业




Based on the tourism industry of Health, rest and recreation, Shuangjiang Autonomous County's complex and diverse topographical features have given birth to a rich and colorful tourism landscape with unique features, and the cultures of various ethnic minorities have converged and merged, the multi-cultural pattern makes Shuangjiang unique human tourism resources. Blessed with natural scenery and ethnic customs, it is suitable for attracting investment and introducing various types of tourism development, shuangjiang Guchashan National Forest Park (the overall plan of the project (2016-2025) has been approved and implemented by the state forestry and grassland administration, and Mengku Icelandic tea town has been included in the list of first-class characteristic towns in Yunnan Province. Yunnan Shuangjiang Ancient Tea Mountain National Forest Park covers an area of 5412.00 hectares, which is composed of ancient tea mountain, forest lake and Iceland Lake. In order to realize the sustainable development of the Forest Park, the forest park adopts the pattern of "three-center, three-area, four-area, five-system and multi-project" , and gradually forms a spatial development pattern with prominent focal points, distinct levels and reasonable level. According to the strategy of Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and provincial government to cultivate new energy and build "three cards" , it will become the first-class "tea health, tea leisure" healthy life destination in the whole province and even the whole country.


依托资源禀赋    做优生态产业



It is located in Shuangjiang on the Tropic of Cancer, with excellent light, heat, water and land resources, unique ecological environment and a great variety of biological species. A number of ecological resource base construction and intensive processing and development projects, such as high-quality vegetables, high-quality fruits, walnut nuts, ecological animal husbandry, aquatic seed and seedling, tropical crops along the Yangtze River, have been opened to the world. In the area of characteristic industry, Shuangjiang tea is of pure and fine quality, relying on rich tea resources and colorful tea culture, ecological tea garden sightseeing, tea drinks, deep processing of tea, tea culture manor and other projects have great investment potential, "tea + Internet" , "tea + finance" and other projects also have a lot of space for development. In biopharmaceutical industry, Shuangjiang is rich in Chinese herbal medicine resources, with 81 families and 195 species of plant medicinal materials, 4 families and 7 species of fungi medicinal materials, the unique natural climate conditions are very suitable for the growth and breeding of Gentiana, dendrobium, Poria, underleaf plants, Ganoderma Lucidum, Caulis SPATHOLOBI, panax Notoginseng and other medicinal plants and fungi, relying on rich forest resources, the development of under-forest planting, under-forest breeding, under-forest tourism and other projects have greater development value.

发挥特色优势   振兴绿色工业




Giving full play to its unique advantages to promote green industry the CPC Shuangjiang Autonomous County Party Committee and the county Government of the People's Republic of China have made industrial projects a key project to attract investment, it has introduced a number of enterprises inside and outside the province, such as Orient Victory China Holdings, Hunan Chendian, Yunyao Group, Yunnan Rongkangda, Fuzi Company, Kunhua mining industry, etc. , the county has gradually formed a sugar, tea, mining, electricity, bio-pharmaceutical five-industry-wide diversified development pattern. Relying on the abundant natural endowment of water energy, biology and mineral resources, the industrial development potential is huge. The state implements Made in China 2025 and promotes supply-side reform, and the Yunnan Provincial Party Committee and provincial government have put forward the development requirements of "two types and three modernizations. " In promoting the development of the industrial economy, industrial investment, industrial technological innovation, the construction of industrial parks, energy conservation and comprehensive utilization of resources, the development of the private economy and small and medium-sized enterprises, and the development of information and information industries, a series of policy measures have been introduced. The rapid development of the Lincang border economic cooperation zone, supported by a series of national and provincial policies, has brought new opportunities for Shuangjiang to accelerate the development of both domestic and foreign resources and markets, and to develop its industrial economy.

    共绘城建蓝图  建设美丽双江



双江,生机无限,商机无限!双江,厚德载物,创业佳地! 今天的关注、就是明天的希望,明智的投入,就有丰厚的回报。北回归线上的绿色明珠,成功者崛起的摇篮。

During the "Fifteen" period, the CPC Shuangjiang Autonomous County Party Committee and the county Government of the People's Republic of China carried out Xi Jinping's thought on socialism with Chinese characteristics for a new era, and in particular inspected the spirit of the important speeches in Yunnan, actively serving and integrating into the development strategy of the national "Belt and Road" and the bangladesh-china-india-myanmar economic corridor, seizing major opportunities of opening up along the border, laying stress on the deployment of such key tasks as "repairing roads, developing water conservancy projects, improving dilapidated housing, strengthening industries, lifting people out of poverty, building ecological systems and expanding opening up" , with an eye to the future, focusing on the goal of turning Shuangjiang into a national "Garden County town, a civilized county town, a health county town" and a rural county town in the dam area of the most beautiful plateau in the country, we will intensify our efforts in urban development and infrastructure construction, build a reasonable layout, beautiful environment, convenient transportation, full of modern atmosphere of the beautiful county pattern. Shuangjiang, boundless vitality, Unlimited Business Opportunities! Shuangjiang, a good place to start a business! Today's attention, is tomorrow's hope, the wise investment, there is a rich return. The Green Pearl of the Tropic of Cancer, the cradle of the successful.


Ecological planting and intensive processing of Pueraria Lobata in Shuangjiang Autonomous County





Project Location: Shuangjiang Autonomous County


 Constructive Nature: New



Project description: Pueraria Lobata root was first identified by the Ministry of Health as a rare and valuable medicinal material with both medicinal and edible uses,known for "sub-ginseng" reputation. As early as in ancient Chinese medical works Shennong Ben Cao Jing and Zhang Zhongjing's Records of Typhoid and Miscellaneous Diseases in the Eastern Han Dynasty, there are records of its treatment of difficult and miscellaneous diseases.In March 1998, pueraria Lobata root was identified by the Ministry of Health as a fine substance for both medicine and food. With the increasing demand for pueraria Lobata root products at home and abroad, the market prospect of developing pueraria Lobata root products is very broad. Shuangjiang, with its unique advantages of natural resources and climatic conditions, is an eugenic area for the growth of pueraria Lobata root in China. The existing Pueraria Lobata root planting base and the promotion and development of Pueraria Lobata root industry in the next few years can fully guarantee the raw material demand of Pueraria Lobata root processing industry.


Construction content and scale: the enterprise will use three years to drive farmers to plant more than 20,000 mu of Pueraria Lobata root in the way of "company + base + farmer + cooperative"; It is planned to build a production line with an annual output of 5000 tons of pueraria powder and a production line with an annual output of 700 tons of pueraria flavone powder and related supporting facilities in Shuangjiang Biological Pharmaceutical Industrial Park.




Cooperation Model: With the county having a base enterprise cooperation or sole proprietorship enterprise


Estimated Investment: 100 million yuan, enterprise self-financing.






Intensive processing project of Walnut and nut in Shuangjiang Autonomous County


INDUSTRY: Manufacturing


Construction Site: Shuangjiang Autonomous County


Constructive Nature: New




Construction content: Shuangjiang County Walnut planting area of about 500,000 mu, hanging fruit area of about 200,000 Mu; Australian nut planting area of about 200,000 mu, hanging fruit area of about 30,000 mu, is growing year by year. The project is located in the county biopharmaceutical industrial park, and has built a walnut, macadamia nut and other intensive processing production lines, production and packaging workshop, raw materials and products warehouse, production facilities.


Investment estimate: about 50 million yuan.





High Quality Vegetable Base Construction and comprehensive processing project in Shuangjiang Autonomous County


Construction Site: Shuangjiang Autonomous County




Constructive Nature: New


项目简述:绿色蔬菜的消费已成为市场的一大热点,建设蔬菜基地,有极强的竞争能力。双江是典型的农业大县,拥有耕地面积35.49万亩,气候和土壤非常适宜种植各种蔬菜和瓜果,全县已建立无公害蔬菜基地,生产的蔬菜等产品产量高、品质好。利用双江丰富的蔬菜资源,通过综合加工达到更高的附加值,产品投放市场,具有十分广阔的前景。 蔬菜深加工入驻县生物药业产业园区,建设生产线,冷库等,规模由投资商自定。  

Project description: The consumption of green vegetables has become a hot spot in the market, and the construction of vegetable bases has strong competitiveness. Shuangjiang is a typical agricultural county with a cultivated area of 354,900 mu. The climate and soil are very suitable for growing all kinds of vegetables and fruits. Using Shuangjiang rich vegetable resources, through comprehensive processing to achieve higher added value, product put on the market, has a very broad prospects. Deep Processing of vegetables in the county bio-pharmaceutical Industrial Park, the construction of production lines, cold storage, the scale of self-determined by investors.




Estimated investment: 50 million yuan



Name of the project: Construction Project of coffee planting and processing in Shuangjiang Autonomous County


INDUSTRY: Manufacturing


Construction Site: Shuangjiang Autonomous County


Constructive Nature: New



Construction content: The climate of Shuangjiang Autonomous County is monsoon, dry and wet, three-dimensional climate is obvious, winter without severe cold, summer without extreme heat, annual temperature difference is small, hot rain with the same season. The annual average temperature is about 19.5 °C, annual rainfall is 995.3 mm, annual average relative humidity is 75% , annual longest frost-free days are 343 days, annual sunshine hours are 2291.7 hours. The main soil types are red soil and yellow soil, slightly acidic, fertile soil and deep soil. The unique geographical conditions and natural resources provide Shuangjiang with natural advantages for the development of coffee industry. There are more than 100,000 mu of land suitable for coffee cultivation in the county. By 2019, the county's coffee planting area of 49,981 mu, the production area of 25,000 mu, the output of 3000 tons. Processing plant in the county bio-pharmaceutical Industrial Park, the construction of coffee intensive processing production lines, coffee culture exhibition and Dissemination Center, Storage and logistics center


Investment estimate: about 50 million yuan.





第一章  总则

第一条  为进一步扩大开放,营造良好投资环境,全力招大引强、促进有效投资,做大做强优势产业、改造升级传统产业、积极培育战略性新兴产业,推动我县县域经济跨越式发展。根据有关法律、法规及《国务院关于扩大对外开放积极利用外资若干措施的通知》(国发〔2017〕5 号)、《中共云南省委 云南省人民政府关于着力推进重点产业发展的若干意见》(云发〔2016〕11 号)、《云南省加强重点产业招商引资工作若干措施的意见》(云政发〔2016〕90 号)、《临沧市人民政府关于印发临沧市降低实体企业成本实施细则的通知》(临政发〔2018〕13 号)、《临沧市委、政府关于支持民营经济高质量发展的若干意见》(临发〔2019〕10 号)、《双江自治县贯彻落实临沧市人民政府保持经济平稳健康发展 22 条措施意见实施细则》(双政发〔2019〕52号)等文件精神,结合我县实际,制定本政策规定。

第二条  本政策适用于自 2019 年起到双江自治县行政区域投资兴建符合国家产业政策,并依法注册登记为具有独立法人资格的纳税企业。

第三条  资源循环利用、新型材料、装备制造、高原特色现代农业(含特色食品)、生物医药、生物农业、生物能源、生物制造、生物环保及大健康、文化旅游、信息、现代物流等产业,以及我县发展所需要的其他生产经营性产业适用本政策。

第四条鼓励引进世界 500 强企业、国内 100 强企业、全国民营企业 100 强、国内外知名品牌企业、上市公司及总部企业。凡在双江自治县外生产、加工和销售的企业到双江自治县设立具有独立法人资格并完税的地区总部或集团总公司,均可认定为总部企业。

第五条  本政策对符合法律法规、国家产业政策、环保要求及园区总体产业布局规划的新办独立核算企业和企业技改扩能项目或其他行业项目给予扶持:

(一)固定资产投资规模达 3000 万元以上、投资强度不低于 180 万元、年亩均税收不低于 5 万元的生产性项目。

(二)固定资产投资规模达 3000 万元以上、投资强度不低于 100 万元、年亩均税收不低于 4 万元的非生产性(含现代物流类、文化旅游类、信息产业类等)项目。



第六条  本政策中的固定资产投资指以货币表现的建造和购置固定资产活动的工作量。项目竣工后,由企业提出申请,由县投资促进委员会成员单位以建筑税票和设备购置发票为依据,对投资规模进行认定,以认定结果作为扶持的依据。


第二章  投资优惠政策

第七条  土地政策

为提高土地集约利用水平,原则上对用地 15 亩以下、投资3000 万元以下的项目不再单独供地,鼓励入驻生物药业产业园区或标准化厂区,工业用地不低于类区基准地价并按“招拍挂”方式进行公开拍卖出让,土地出让金原则上一次性缴纳,对一次性缴纳有困难的企业,经报请县人民政府同意后可在 2 年内分期缴纳,第一次缴纳土地出让金额不得低于土地出让金总额的 50%。如企业没有在 2 年内按时交纳,县人民政府依照《中华人民共和国土地管理法》依法回收该土地的土地使用权。

第八条 吧财政奖励政策

(一)符合本政策所列的资源循环利用、新型材料、高原特色现代农业(含特色食品)、生物医药、生物农业、生物能源、生物制造、生物环保及文化旅游、信息、现代物流等产业类投资项目。通过相关主管部门认定后达到亩均税收标准的,自投产之日起,五年内由县财政按企业缴纳的增值税和企业所得税形成县级地方财力留成部分的 50%奖励给企业,用于支持企业发展。

(二)对国家认定的高新技术项目,从投产之日起,五年内由县财政按企业缴纳的增值税和企业所得税形成县级地方财力留成部分的 60%奖励给企业,用于支持企业进行科技创新和技术改造。

(三)当年建成投产并上规企业,自投产之日起,五年内由县财政按企业缴纳的增值税和企业所得税形成县级地方财力留成部分的 70%奖励给企业,引导企业高效发展。


(四)企业在原址(不新增用土地)实施技改扩能项目的企业,技改扩能后,以实施技改扩能前的基数为准,两年内给予财政奖补,第一年由县财政按企业缴纳的增值税和企业所得税形成县级地方财力留成增量部分的 50%奖励给企业;第二年,按企业缴纳的增值税和企业所得税形成县级地方财力留成增量部分的40%奖励给企业,用于支持企业发展。

(五)在双江自治县注册为具有法人资格的企业并依法纳税的非生产性总部经济型企业,自企业开展运营后五年内给予财政奖励。第一年按企业实缴税收(不含各种规费和基金)形成县级地方财力部分的 20%给予财政奖励;自第二年起,形成县级地方财力增量部分在100万元以上300万元以下的,按增量部分的30%给予财政扶持;在 300 万元以上 500 万元以下的,按增量部分的40%给予财政扶持;在 500 万元以上的,按增量部分的 50%给予财政扶持。

(六)在双江自治县注册登记具有法人资格的企业并交纳企业所得税达 200 万元以上的企业,其在双江自治县实际年缴纳企业所得税形成县级地方财力留成部分,自投产之日起,5 年内按企业所得税形成县级地方财力留成部分的 80%奖励给企业,用于支持企业人才引进和培养。

(七)对落户双江自治县具有独立法人资格的省级和国家级研发机构,分别给予 30 万元和 50 万元的一次性扶持奖励。

(八)产品获得国家名牌产品或中国驰名商标的企业,给予企业一次性 50 万元的奖励。获得省市政府质量管理奖的给予企业一次性不少于 15 万元的奖励。

(九)企业合法用工、带动当地未就业人员达 50 人以上就业,并依法签订劳动合同且缴纳“五险”的,给予企业每人不高于 400 元一次性补助。

(十)对每年批发、零售、餐饮和住宿行业企业升限、对其他营利性服务业企业升限每户在市级一次性奖励 5 万元的基础上,县级再每户给予 3 万元的奖励。

(十一)对新建投产年内达到规模以上并按时足额纳税的工业企业,以及由规模以下首次升为规模以上并按时足额纳税的工业企业,在市级每户企业给予一次性奖励 20 万元的基础上,县级财政再给予 10 万元的奖励。

(十二)对新认定的国家高新技术企业和云南省科技型中小企业,在市级按照 10 万元和 2 万元标准给予一次性奖补基础上,县级财政再分别给予 5 万元和 1 万元的一次性奖补。积极组织开展企业技术中心认定工作,对新认定的企业技术中心按照国家级20 万元、省级 10 万元、市级 5 万元、县级 3 万元的标准给予一次性奖补。


招商代理人、招商顾问、企业等引进的达到本政策规定重点产业投资标准的项目按程序提前报备,项目建成投产后,按项目实际到位资金并形成的投资实物量对其给予 5‰的一次性奖励。最高奖励不超过 100 万元。

第九条  税收支持政策


第十条  一事一议政策

凡在双江自治县一次性固定资产投资 2 亿元以上或亩均固定资产投资额 400 万元以上的新建生物资源精深加工及大健康、高端装备制造、高新技术产业类项目,按照“一事一议”规定进行研究决定。


第三章  投资服务政策

第十一条  对投资项目,各级各部门从项目签约、申报、核准(备案)、建设直至营运等过程进行全程跟踪服务,坚持“一 个项目一套班子”的项目推进机制,严格实行服务承诺、限时办结和跟踪问效。

第十二条  行政审批手续实行并联审批。对于需要多部门审批的投资事项,由行业主管部门牵头,组织相关部门集中审批、同步办理,按照“业主委托、部门代办、并联审批、限时办结”的要求为投资者提供项目审批代办、帮办“一条龙”服务。

第十三条  投资者办理与其投资有关的各项行政审批手续,资料齐全、手续完备的,受理部门指定专人办理,办理时限在法定时限内完成,能现时办结的当场办结。

第十四条  教育、卫健、人力资源和社会保障、公安、司法等部门,对外来投资者、企业家、管理人员、专业人才及其家属在就学、就医、就业、社会保障、户口迁移、人才聘用、法律服务等方面提供优质服务和优惠待遇。

第四章  严格制约机制

第十五条  招商引资项目在建设过程中或投产后违反法律、法规,严重违背投资协议约定的,将取消或收回给予该项目的全部扶持资金及优惠政策,具体如下:


所有在双江自治县行政区域内外来(商)投资新建项目,项目建设期限按如下规定执行:固定资产投入在 5000 万元及以下

的,应在 1 年内建成投产;5000 万元以上—1 亿元(含 1 亿元)的,应在 1.5 年内建成投产;1 亿元以上—3 亿元(含 3 亿元)的,应在 2 年内建成投产;3 亿元以上—5 亿元(含 3 亿元)的,必须在 3 年内建成投产;5 亿元以上的项目,必须在双方签定的合同约定期限内建成投产,分期建设最长期限不超过 5 年。

(二)固定资产投资不足。在竣工投产时固定资产投资总额未达到协议约定总额的 80%的项目,将取消应给予该项目的全部扶持资金或收回已兑现给该项目的全部扶持资金。


(四)未履行投资协议约定,开发土地面积低于 1/3,投资额达不到 20%的项目,按闲置土地管理办法无偿收回国有土地使用权及附属物。





第五章  附 则

第十六条  若上级相关政策发生变化,从其规定,以上招商引资政策将进行相应调整。

第十七条  本政策自发布之日起试行,试行期一年。


 Chapter I General Provisions Article 1 in order to further expand the opening up and create a good investment environment, make every effort to attract strong and effective investment, we will expand and strengthen dominant industries, transform and upgrade traditional industries, and actively foster strategic emerging industries to promote the leapfrog development of county economy. Sentence is too long, please supply a shorter sentence, this policy is formulated in the light of the actual situation of our county. Article 2 the present policy shall apply to the investment and construction of tax-paying enterprises in the Shuangjiang Autonomous County Administrative Region from 2019 onwards that conform to the state industrial policy and are registered as independent legal persons according to law. RULE NUMBER THREE: Resources recycling, manufacturing of new materials and equipment, plateau characteristic modern agriculture (including characteristic food) , bio-medicine, bio-agriculture, bio-energy, bio-manufacturing, bio-environmental protection and great health, cultural tourism, information, modern logistics and other industries, this policy shall be applicable to other productive and operational industries needed for the development of the county. Article 4 encouragement shall be given to the introduction of world top 500 enterprises, domestic top 100 enterprises, national top 100 private enterprises, domestic and foreign famous brand enterprises, listed companies and headquarter enterprises. Any enterprise producing, processing and selling outside Shuangjiang Autonomous County may be recognized as a headquarters enterprise if it has established a regional headquarters or a group headquarters with independent legal personality and duty paid in Shuangjiang Autonomous County. Article 5, this policy gives support to newly-established independent accounting enterprises and enterprises'technological transformation and expansion projects or other industrial projects that meet the requirements of laws and regulations, national industrial policies, environmental protection requirements and the overall industrial layout plan of the park: (1) productive projects with an investment scale of over 30 million yuan in fixed assets, an investment intensity of not less than 1.8 million yuan and an average annual tax revenue of not less than 50,000 yuan per mu. 2. non-productive (including modern logistics, culture and tourism, information industry, etc.) projects with a fixed asset investment scale of 30 million yuan or more, an investment intensity of not less than 1 million yuan and an average annual tax revenue of not less than 40,000 yuan per mu. (3) any enterprise engaged in production, processing and sales outside Lincang shall establish in Shuangjiang Autonomous County a headquarters enterprise with the status of an independent legal person and with duty paid. (4) if the investment is made in the form of foreign capital, it shall be calculated at the exchange rate at the time of the actual investment. Article 6 investment in fixed assets in this policy refers to the amount of work involved in the construction and purchase of fixed assets in monetary terms. After the completion of the project, the enterprise shall submit an application, and the member units of the county investment promotion committee shall determine the investment scale on the basis of the construction tax invoice and the purchase invoice of the equipment, and the result of the determination shall be taken as the basis of support. Chapter II, preferential policies for investment, Article 7. In order to raise the level of intensive use of land, land policies shall, in principle, no longer provide separate land for projects with land use of less than 15 mu and investment of less than 30 million yuan, encouraging the establishment of biopharmaceutical industrial parks or standardized plant areas, industrial land is not lower than the base land price of similar areas, and land is sold by public auction according to the method of "bidding, auction and hanging" . In principle, the land transfer fee shall be paid in a lump sum, for enterprises having difficulty in making one-time payment, they may pay in installments within 2 years after obtaining the approval of the county Government of the People's Republic of China, and the amount of the first payment of the land transfer shall not be less than 50% of the total amount of the land transfer. If the enterprise fails to pay within 2 years, the county Government of the People's Republic of China shall reclaim the Land tenure of the land in accordance with the Land Administration Law of the People's Republic of China. Article 8, the financial incentive policies (1) are in line with the industrial investment projects listed in this policy, such as resource recycling, new materials, plateau characteristic modern agriculture (including characteristic food) , bio-medicine, bio-agriculture, bio-energy, bio-manufacturing, bio-environmental protection and cultural tourism, information, modern logistics, etc. . If, after being determined by the relevant competent authorities, the average tax revenue per mu is reached, 50% of the value-added tax and enterprise income tax paid by the county finance shall be awarded to the enterprise within five years from the date of putting into production, forming part of the local financial resources retained at the county level, to Support Business Development. (2) for high-tech projects recognized by the state, 60% of the value-added tax and enterprise income tax paid by the county finance in accordance with the enterprise shall be awarded to the enterprise within five years from the date of commissioning, forming part of the local financial resources retained at the county level; To support enterprises to carry out scientific and technological innovation and technological transformation. (3) when an enterprise is established and put into operation in the same year, 70% of the value-added tax and enterprise income tax paid by the county finance according to the enterprise shall be awarded to the enterprise within five years from the date of putting into operation, so as to guide the enterprise to develop efficiently. The same project that meets the conditions listed in items (1) , (2) and (3) above shall enjoy one of the supporting policies on the basis of the principle of "no higher, no lower" , and shall not be given repeated support. (4) if an enterprise implements a technical renovation and capacity expansion project at its original location (no additional land is used) , after the technical renovation and capacity expansion, the base figure before the implementation of the technical renovation and capacity expansion shall be taken as the standard, and financial awards and supplements shall be given within two years, in the first year, 50% of the incremental portion of the local financial resources at the county level will be awarded to the enterprise according to the value-added tax and enterprise income tax paid by the county finance. In the second year, according to the value-added tax and enterprise income tax paid by enterprises, 40% of the county-level local financial resources will be retained as an incremental part to be rewarded to enterprises for supporting the development of enterprises. (5) A non-productive headquarters economic enterprise registered as an enterprise with legal personality and subject to tax according to law in Shuangjiang Autonomous County shall be given a financial incentive within five years after the enterprise has started operation. In the first year, 20% of the local financial resources at the county level formed by the enterprise's actual tax payment (excluding various fees and funds) shall be given financial rewards; in the second year, if the local financial resources at the county level increased by more than 1 million yuan and less than 3 million yuan, financial support shall be given at 30 per cent of the incremental part; 40 per cent of the incremental part shall be given to those who are between 3 million and 5 million yuan; and 50 per cent of the incremental part shall be given to those who are between 5 million yuan and 5 million yuan. (6) for enterprises registered as legal persons in Shuangjiang Autonomous County and paying enterprise income tax of 2 million yuan or more, the actual annual payment of enterprise income tax in Shuangjiang Autonomous County shall form part of the local financial resources at the county level; From the date of putting into production, 80% of the retained portion of county-level local financial resources will be awarded to enterprises within 5 years according to the enterprise income tax to support the introduction and training of talents in enterprises. (7) one-off awards of 300,000 yuan and 500,000 yuan shall be given to research and development institutions at the provincial and national levels that have been established as independent legal persons in Shuangjiang Autonomous County. (8) enterprises whose products have been awarded national famous brand products or Chinese well-known trademarks shall be given a one-time award of 500,000 yuan. Won The provincial and Municipal Government Quality Management Award to enterprises one-time not less than 150,000 yuan reward. (9) if an enterprise lawfully employs more than 50 people who are not employed in the locality, and has signed a employment contract and paid the "five risks" in accordance with the law, the enterprise shall be given a one-off subsidy of not more than 400 yuan per person. (10) on the basis of a one-off bonus of 50,000 yuan to each household in the wholesale, retail, catering and accommodation industries and other for-profit service enterprises, a further bonus of 30,000 yuan to each household at the county level shall be granted each year. (11) A one-time reward shall be given to each enterprise at the municipal level to those newly built industrial enterprises that have reached a scale above and have paid taxes in full and on time within the year when they come into operation, and those industrial enterprises that have been upgraded for the first time from a scale below to a scale above and have paid taxes in full and on time